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The Messenger
Valentyn Silvestrov

Daniel Rowland | Borys Fedorov

The Messenger

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917293920
Catnr: CC 72939
Release date: 25 November 2022
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72939
Release date
25 November 2022

"There are other recordings of most of the works here, notably by Gidon Kremer, but not together on one disc. This is a valuable collection."

Music Web International, 18-6-2023

About the album

Alfred Schnittke and Arvo Pärt have both called the Ukrainian Valentyn Silvestrov "one of the greatest composers of our time”. He is also one of its true originals; though a leading figure in the former Soviet Union’s avant-garde in the 1960s, he subsequently came to realise that "the most important lesson of the avant-garde was to be free of all preconceived ideas – particularly those of the avant-garde. Over time, Silvestrov’s compositional practice evolved into what he would come to call his “metaphorical style” or “meta-music”. The composer wishes his works to be seen as “codas” to musical history: “I do not write new music. My music is a response to and an echo of what already exists.”

Valentyn Silvestrov: Music is still song, even if one cannot literally sing it: it is not a philosophy, not a world-view. It is, above all, a chant, a song the world sings about itself, it is the musical testimony to life.
Daniel Rowland: I do not know of another composer who writes with this degree of intimacy - his timeless melodies, often barely a whisper, are consoling, haunting, full of nostalgia and mystery.

Borys Fedorov: To escape from the oppressive bustle, to immerse yourself in the magical world of silence, like a highly sensitive antenna picking up the subtlest vibrations of the universe, which immediately resonate in the soul, giving renewal and enlightenment. Such unique possibilities are opened up in music by Valentyn Silvestrov, a great artist and a great humanist! Playing his music requires a special filigree and jewel-like precision, as well as spirituality and freedom...
Alfred Schnittke und Arvo Pärt haben den Ukrainer Valentyn Silvestrov als "einen der größten Komponisten unserer Zeit" bezeichnet. Obwohl er in den 1960er Jahren eine führende Figur der Avantgarde in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion war, erkannte er später, dass "die wichtigste Lektion der Avantgarde darin bestand, sich von allen vorgefassten Meinungen zu befreien - insbesondere von denen der Avantgarde." Im Laufe der Zeit entwickelte sich Silvestrovs kompositorische Praxis zu dem, was er seinen "metaphorischen Stil" oder seine "Metamusik" nennen würde. Der Komponist möchte, dass seine Werke als "Codas" der Musikgeschichte gesehen werden: "Ich schreibe keine neue Musik. Meine Musik ist eine Antwort auf und ein Echo von dem, was bereits existiert."

Valentyn Silvestrov: Musik ist immer noch Gesang, auch wenn man sie nicht buchstäblich singen kann: Sie ist keine Philosophie, keine Weltanschauung. Sie ist vor allem ein Gesang, ein Lied, das die Welt über sich selbst singt, sie ist das musikalische Zeugnis des Lebens.
Daniel Rowland: Ich kenne keinen anderen Komponisten, der mit einem solchen Grad an Intimität schreibt - seine zeitlosen Melodien, oft kaum ein Flüstern, sind tröstlich, eindringlich, voller Nostalgie und Geheimnis.

Borys Fedorov: Der bedrückenden Hektik zu entfliehen, in die magische Welt der Stille einzutauchen, wie eine hochempfindliche Antenne, die die feinsten Schwingungen des Universums aufnimmt, die sofort in der Seele nachhallen und dort für Erneuerung und Erleuchtung sorgen. Solche einzigartigen Möglichkeiten eröffnet die Musik von Valentyn Silvestrov, einem großen Künstler und Humanisten! Seine Musik zu spielen erfordert eine besondere Filigranität und juwelengleiche Präzision, aber auch Spiritualität und Freiheit...


Daniel Rowland (violin)

Dutch/English violinist Daniel Rowland’s playing has been acclaimed as ‘wonderful, ravishing in its finesse’ by The Guardian and as ‘both naked and highly virtuosic’ by NRC Handelsblad, while The Herald praised his ‘astonishing sound and uniquely single-minded intensity’.  Daniel has established himself on the international scene as a highly versatile, communicative, charismatic and adventurous performer, with a broad repertoire from Vivaldi to Van der Aa. In recent seasons Daniel has performed with concertos ranging from Beethoven to Brahms, Elgar, Berg, Korngold, Weinberg and Prokofiev, with conductors such as Heinz Holliger, Jaap van Zweden, François-Xavier Roth, Lawrence Foster, Antony Hermus and Rossen Milanov. He is a passionate advocate of contemporary concertos such as Vasks, Lindberg, Glass, Saariaho, Nisinman and Van der Aa....

Dutch/English violinist Daniel Rowland’s playing has been acclaimed as ‘wonderful, ravishing in its finesse’ by The Guardian and as ‘both naked and highly virtuosic’ by NRC Handelsblad, while The Herald praised his ‘astonishing sound and uniquely single-minded intensity’.

Daniel has established himself on the international scene as a highly versatile, communicative, charismatic and adventurous performer, with a broad repertoire from Vivaldi to Van der Aa. In recent seasons Daniel has performed with concertos ranging from Beethoven to Brahms, Elgar, Berg, Korngold, Weinberg and Prokofiev, with conductors such as Heinz Holliger, Jaap van Zweden, François-Xavier Roth, Lawrence Foster, Antony Hermus and Rossen Milanov. He is a passionate advocate of contemporary concertos such as Vasks, Lindberg, Glass, Saariaho, Nisinman and Van der Aa. Recently he premiered Isidora Zebeljan‘s Violin Concerto ‘Three Curious Loves’ and this autumn sees the premiere of Roxanna Panufnik‘s ‘Songs of Love and Friendship’ with the Dutch Radio Choir at the Concertgebouw. September 2020 sees the release of ‘Distant Light’, with violin concertos by Peteris Vasks (Challenge Records).

A passionate chamber musician, Daniel has performed with artists as diverse as Ivry Gitlis, Heinz Holliger, Martha Argerich, Michael Collins, Lars Vogt, Giovanni Sollima, Marcelo Nisinman, Willard White and Elvis Costello. Daniel is one half of acclaimed duo partnerships with pianist Natacha Kudritskaya with whom he earlier recorded for Champs Hill Records a disc dedicated to the Enescu Sonatas (‘a perfect partnership’ – BBC Music Magazine), and with cellist Maja Bogdanovic, whose recent duo CD ‘Pas de deux’ (Challenge Records) was described as ‘a magical meeting between violin and cello’ by Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad. In 2005 Daniel founded the Stift International Music Festival in the bucolic region of Twente in the eastern Netherlands, where he grew up, with the 15th century Stiftkerk as the main venue. The festival has garnered acclaim as one of great intimacy, adventure and atmosphere. Daniel was for twelve years the leader of the Brodsky Quartet, performing all over the world, and making numerous recordings, including the celebrated Shostakowitch Cycle.

Daniel was born in London, and started his violin lessons in Enschede after his parents moved to Twente in the eastern Netherlands. He studied with Jan Repko, Davina van Wely, Herman Krebbers, Viktor Liberman, Igor Oistrakh and Ivry Gitlis. His violin is by Lorenzo Storioni (Cremona 1796), and his bow is a Maline, kindly loaned by the Dutch Instrument Foundation. He teaches at the Royal College of Music in London. He lives in Amsterdam with his partner, cellist Maja Bogdanovic´.


Maja Bogdanovic (cello)

“Cellist Maja Bogdanović is the real thing; a true, soulful artist with a brazenly expressive sound who has a lot to show off, but who is never pretentious.” - New York Concert Review Following her stunning recital debut at Carnegie’s Weill Hall, the Strad hailed Maja Bogdanović for “an outstanding performance of exceptional tonal beauty and great maturity of interpretation.” Since then, she has taken her place among today’s foremost cellists. Concert engagements have included the Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, Tokyo Philharmonic, Minas Gerais Symphony, Munich Chamber Orchestra, Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, RTS Serbian Symphony orchestra, Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Berlin Symphony, Brasov Philharmonic, Timisoara Philharmonic, Guanajuato Symphony Orchestra, Morelia Philharmonic Orchestra, Salta Sinfonica, Cape Town Philharmonic, Johannesburg Philharmonic and KwaZulu Natal Philharmonic Orchestra in...
“Cellist Maja Bogdanović is the real thing; a true, soulful artist with a brazenly expressive sound who has a lot to show off, but who is never pretentious.” - New York Concert Review Following her stunning recital debut at Carnegie’s Weill Hall, the Strad hailed Maja Bogdanović for “an outstanding performance of exceptional tonal beauty and great maturity of interpretation.” Since then, she has taken her place among today’s foremost cellists.
Concert engagements have included the Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, Tokyo Philharmonic, Minas Gerais Symphony, Munich Chamber Orchestra, Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, RTS Serbian Symphony orchestra, Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Berlin Symphony, Brasov Philharmonic, Timisoara Philharmonic, Guanajuato Symphony Orchestra, Morelia Philharmonic Orchestra, Salta Sinfonica, Cape Town Philharmonic, Johannesburg Philharmonic and KwaZulu Natal Philharmonic Orchestra in Durban. In the USA, Ms. Bogdanović made her debut at the 2017 Grand Teton Music Festival under the baton of Cristian Macelaru. She has also performed with the Fort Worth Symphony, Spokane Symphony, Lubbock Symphony and Bakersfield Symphony.
An avid chamber musician, Maja Bogdanović is a frequent guest at leading chamber music festivals and the world’s leading venues, such as Kuhmo Festival in Finland, Amsterdamse Cello Biënnale, Festival de Radio France et Montpellier, Folle Journée/Nantes, Storioni Festival, the Stift International Chamber Music Festival in The Netherlands, and the Seoul International Chamber Music Festival, performing with artists such as Martha Argerich, Yuri Bashmet, Julian Rachlin, Nino Gvetadze, Daniel Rowland, Nemanja Radulović, Frederieke Saeijs, Vladimir Mendelssohn, Marianna Shirinyan and Anna Fedorova. Maja has produced several internationally-released CDs for the Lyrinx and Nimbus labels and her recital disc ‘Eastern wind’ (Orchid Classics) with pianist Maria Belooussova, dedicated to Glière and Rachmaninoff, received rave reviews. Maja’s latest CD release (Challenge Records) with violinist Daniel Rowland, ‘Pas de deux’, includes world premiere recordings of works by Penderecki, Vasks, Sollima and Nisinman, and was described as ‘a magical meeting of cello and violin’ by leading Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad.
Within her wide repertoire, Maja Bogdanović devotes a special place to contemporary music. She has premiered works of Nicolas Bacri, Sofia Gubaidulina, Krzysztof Penderecki, Philip Sawyers, Eric Tanguy, Benjamin Yusupov, Natasha Bogojević, Isidora Žebeljan and others.
Her collaboration with Krzysztof Penderecki began with the Belgrade Philharmonic in 2008, and with the Slovenian Philharmonic in Ljubljana, where she performed his Cello Concerto No. 2 under the baton of the composer. This led to several further collaborations, such as with the Tonhalle Orchester Zurich, the Orchestra National des Pays de la Loire and the Krakow Philharmonic.




There are other recordings of most of the works here, notably by Gidon Kremer, but not together on one disc. This is a valuable collection.
Music Web International, 18-6-2023

The main part of these interpretations is carried by the pianist Borys Fedorov, who with his sensitive touch and fine reading successfully fulfills this task. Both in the solo works and as a partner, he certainly leads the way, but always remains true to the idiom with due care. Violinist Daniel Rowland also knows how to move in these spheres. 
Pizzicato, 14-12-2022

Play album Play album
The Messenger
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Post Scriptum, Sonata for Violin and Piano: I. Largo - Allegro - Andante
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Post Scriptum, Sonata for Violin and Piano: II. Andantino
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Post Scriptum, Sonata for Violin and Piano: III. Allegro vivace - Allegretto
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Three Pieces: I. Lullaby
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Three Pieces: II. Barcarole
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Three Pieces: III. Lullaby
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Piano Sonata 2
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Hommage à J.S.B, for Violin and Piano (quasi echo): I. Andantino
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Hommage à J.S.B, for Violin and Piano (quasi echo): II. Andantino
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Hommage à J.S.B, for Violin and Piano (quasi echo): III. Andante - Andantino
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Epitaphium: Largo
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Five Pieces: I. Elegy
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Five Pieces: II. Serenade
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Five Pieces: III. Intermezzo
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Five Pieces: IV. Barcarole
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
Five Pieces: V. Nocturne
(Valentyn Silvestrov) Daniel Rowland, Borys Fedorov, Maja Bogdanovic
show all tracks

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